Tour De Surge - Join in the fun, get fit and win prizes


Join in the fun, get fit and win prizes with new Tour de Surge. A free event and tournament open to all our members.

How it works

Simply register below and gain access to Tour de Surge classes, listed below, and earn points to go into the draw to win prizes. The more points you earn, the fitter you get and the better the prize draw.

Tour de Surge Event Dates

Tour de Surge classes will be held between the 29th June - 20th July, 2024.

Tour de Surge Classes

  • S-BEATS - Gain 10 Points / Class Attended
  • S-Connect - Gain 10 Points / Class Attended
  • Les Mills RPM - Gain 5 Points / Class Attended
  • Cycle - Gain 5 Points / Class Attended

Plus, 20 Points at the 90 Minute Final Stage Event

Held at Surge Fitness - Clarkson on the Saturday the 20th July.

The Final Stage Event will include the below:

  • RPM - 25 mins - including instructor transition
  • Beats - 25 mins -including instructor transition
  • Spin - 25 mins - including instructor transition
  • Iron Horse - 10 mins
  • Stretch - 5 mins

Points Classification and Prizes

Polkadot Jersey‍
Gain a total of 20 points and go into the draw for the 3rd major prize.

Green Jersey‍
Gain a total of 40 points and go into the draw for the 3rd and 2nd major prizes.

Yellow Jersey
Gain a total of 60 points and go into the draw for the 3rd, 2nd and 1st major prizes.

More innovative fitness fun brought to you by the team at Surge Fitness. *Knowledge of the French language, not required.

Register your interest below and we'll take it from there. Registrations Close Friday 21st June.

Registrations Now Closed

Register your interest for new Tour de Surge

For Members Only. If not a member, please call our team or join online prior to registering your interest.
Thank you. Our team will be in touch soon.
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